General Information: Danziger’s varieties, as well as varieties of other breeders presented in this catalog, are all proprietary, and may be protected by Utility Patents, Plant Patents and/or Plant Breeders Rights (PBR). These varieties may not be reproduced without authorization. All varieties are subject to payment of License Fees, and any unlicensed propagation is strictly prohibited. The use of the symbol ® donates a registered trademark in either territory. The use of the symbol ™ donates a trademark of Danziger and/or any other breeder it represents, unless otherwise indicated. The use of Danziger’s services and products are subject to Danziger’s General Terms and Conditions. IP info: Through innovative floriculture, creative collaboration and a spark of imagination, we strive to develop extraordinary varieties that help our customers achieve extraordinary success. Danziger - Imagine more G.G.N 4052852210072 Cut Flowers Catalog 2021-22
DANZIGER’S CUT FLOWERS 2021-22 ASSORTMENT +80 340 3 20 NEW varieties NEW series crops varieties 1
Take A Peek at our 2022 HIGHLIGHTS & BEST SELLERS Page 93 Page 37 Page 63 Page 07 Page 25
Page 131 Page 129 Page 53 Page 45 Page 121 Page 125 Page 35 3
4 | Strategic product ion s i tes provide year-round delivery of top quality products For each unique region We are committed to both grower and end consumer success ensure top performance Global trial sites DANZIGER Kenya DANZIGER Ecuador DANZIGER China DANZIGER Colombia DANZIGER Michigan DANZIGER Netherlands Danziger Cut Flowers Global Sites DANZIGER Israel
5 Aster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Dianthus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45 Gypsophila . . . . . . . . . . 7-23 Hypericum . . . . . . . . . . . 46-49 Kalanchoe . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-43 Lepidium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 Limonium . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-33 Soildago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-39 Caryopteris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 Craspedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-126 Liatris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Ornithogalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-129 Veronica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-123 Anemone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Carnation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-116 Chrysanthemum . . 62-91 Gerbera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-112 Roses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-60 Scabiosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-101 Sunflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Variety characterization 133-145 Danziger Team . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-148 Table of contents
ESSENTIALS FLOWERS The backbones of beautiful bouquets. They provide a framework for the design concept, add stunning depth and draw emphasis to a specific focal point in an arrangement. They can also be used as a stand-alone centerpiece that creates a WOW effect. 6 Aster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Dianthus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45 Gypsophila . . . . . . . . . . 7-23 Hypericum . . . . . . . . . . . 46-49 Kalanchoe . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-43 Lepidium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 Limonium . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-33 Soildago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-39
GYPSOPHILA Danziger breeding leads the market in 3 leading segments: • XLENCE Col lect ionTM - Large flowers • MILLION Col lect ionTM - Small flowers • MY COLOR Col lect ionTM - Natural colors M i LL I ON Co l l e c t i o nTM do smal l things with great love. MY COLOR Co l l e c t i o nTM Co l o r ma k e s l i f e h a p p y XLENCE Co l l ect i onTM wh e n we wa n t t o t h i n k b i g Danziger. Global leaders of GYP: • The ultimate upgrader for flower arrangements and bouquets • A white accent flower with endless color tinting possibilities • Can be used as a stand alone arrangement in the most creative way 7
Gypsophila XLENCE Co l l e c t i o nTM Wh e n we wa n t t o t h i n k b i g
10-13 mm. XL ENCE® • A dense inflorescence full of beautiful flowers, which are all: • Exceptionally large • Pure brilliant white • Perfectly ball-shaped • Straight, strong and distinguished stems • Voluminous with a very strong presence • In the field: • Very fast growing • Low demand for artificial light B e s t S e l l e r XLENCE Col lect ionTM | Gypsophila XC I TE™ • Large symmetric flower • Long vase life – more than 14 days • High tolerance to soil diseases • Many flowers on each stem • Easy to harvest Brand N e w 22 12-13 mm.
8-11 mm. MY WH I TE COSM I C™ • Medium - large size flower • Brilliant white - as never seen before • Outstanding vase life of 3 weeks • Beautiful flowers which are: • Exceptionally large • Full and perfect round • Voluminous with an impressive appealing overall look • Strong and abundant stems which are easy to harvest and work with B e s t S e l l e r 10-12 mm. XL ENCE® ENDURE • XL flower variety with full round flowers • Heavy stem weight • Stems are strong and easy to harvest • Stems are erect and convenient to use in floral arrangements • Suitable for warm climate conditions 11
M I LL I ON Co l l e c t i o nTM do smal l things with great love Gypsophila
MILLION Col lect ionTM | Gypsophila B e s t S e l l e r M I L L I ON CLOUDS™ 7-8 mm. • A “cushion like” of small flowered Gyp • Full small ball shaped flowers • The inflorescence is voluminous with an impressive appealing overall look • Stems are strong and easy to harvest • Long vase life - over 3 weeks • Stems are easy to handle at post harvest and packing • In the field: • High yield • Heavy stems • Tolerant to soil diseases M I L L I ON STARS® M I L L I ON STARS® I I 5 mm. 6-7 mm. B e s t S e l l e r B e s t S e l l e r • Exceptionally long vase-life • Stable, yet flexible stems • Inflorescence shaped as a wide canopy • A multitude of very small white flowers, concentrated on top • Easy to work with • Available throughout the year from growers around the world • A wide range of sizes, with stem weight varying from 10 gr. up to 35 gr. • Small flower variety • Highly productive with impressive yields • Stems are long, thick and heavy in comparison to Million Stars® • Very voluminous inflorescence • Flowers are very symmetrical and appealing • In the field: • Tolerant to soil disease • Strong and erect stems, easy to harvest
M I L L I ON V I VO™ • Stems are voluminous and abundant with flowers, a bit bigger than of Million stars® • Strong yet flexible stems • Long vase life • Easy toharvest andhandle at post harvest • Heavy stems compared with Million stars® B e s t S e l l e r 6-7 mm. • An innovative variety bred specifically for flower arrangements and bouquets • Small flowers bunched in small rounded clusters • Field performance: • High yield • Fast growing • Easy to harvest MILLION DAISY™ 5-6 mm. 15
MY COLOR Co l l e c t i o nTM Co l o r ma k e s l i f e h a p p y Gypsophi la
1 8 • Attractive natural pink Gypsophila flowers • Profusion of flowers • Large and voluminous inflorescences • Ideal for innovative and attractive flower combinations • Easy to separate from the bunch, making it easy on the purchaser • Stems are erect and very convenient for use in floral arrangements MY P I NK® 9-11 mm. 8-11 mm. MY WH I TE COSM I C™ • Brilliant white - as never seen before • Outstanding vase life of 3 weeks • Beautiful flowers which are: • Exceptionally large • Full and perfect round • Voluminous with an impressive appealing overall look • Strong and abundant stems which are easy to harvest MY COLOR Col lect ionTM | Gypsophila
Gypsophila G Y P V A R I E T I E S Selected var iet ies for local solut ions
Gypsophila CASS I OPE I A™ • Pure white medium-large sized flowers • Large and dense inflorescence • Good vase-life • Fast growing • Highly productive • Low requirement for supplementary lighting • Relatively resistant to over-saturated soil 8-9 mm. B e s t S e l l e r ANDROMEDA™ • Strong and heavy stems • Wide and high volume inflorescence • Large, round and full flowers • Bright white flowers • Sturdy in the field • Relatively tolerant to over-saturated soil • Vigorous in growth producing good yield • Widely popular in Japan and the Far East B e s t S e l l e r in Korea & Japan B e s t S e l l e r BEAUTY BR I DE™ • Rich inflorescence • Dense clusters concentrated at the top • Tight structure of stems • Elegant look • High productivity • Heavy stems • Vigorous in re-growth after cut-back • Relatively tolerant to over-saturated soil • Uniform growth 7-8 mm. 11-12 mm.
DYNAM I C LOVE™ • Sturdy, yet flexible stems withnobreakage • Very high productivity • Beautiful white, full and ball-shaped flowers • Medium-large sized flowers • Easy to incorporate in bouquets and flower arrangements • Terrific growing capabilities that assure consistent high quality supply B e s t S e l l e r DYNAM I C LOVE I MPROVED™ • High yield • Growth characteristics are similar to Dynamic Love • Flower is more symmetrical than Dynamic Love • Long vase life - over 18 days • Suitable for hot climate WH I TE V I CTOR I A™ • Medium - large bright white flowers • Suitable for a year-round cultivation, good tolerance to high temperature • Long and stable stems • Rather heavy stems • High yield • Conic structure - easy to harvest, sort and bunch 8-10 mm. 8-10 mm. 9-11 mm. Brand N e w 22 23
L i mo n i um • Seven different series to enable full diversification of colors and textures – SAFORA™, PIUMA™, SUPREME™, SPLENDID™, SENSY™ & SINUET™, including Kaneko Seeds collection • Extra long vase life • All the products can be used as dried product • Unique characteristic: • SENSY™ Pinacolada – a special variety with less Limonium odor that can also be tinted • SPLENDID™ series - is more tolerance to diseases 25
SAFORA™ | Limonium altaica S A F O R A™ D A R K B L U E S A F O R A™ B L U E - T I F U L S A F O R A™ L I G H T B L U E B e s t S e l l e r S A F O R A™ L I L A C N e w 21 N e w 21
SUPREME™ | Limonium latifolium 27 S A F O R A™ P I N K S K Y S A F O R A™ O S H I P I N K B e s t S e l l e r N e w 21 S U P R E M E ™ WH I T E L I G H T S U P R E M E ™ B L U E N I G H T
PIUMA™ | Limonium altaica SPLENDID™ | Limonium latifolium S P L E N D I D™ B L U E P I UMA™ I N D I G O N e w 21 P I UMA™ D A R K B L U E P I UMA™ P I N K TOU C H Brand N e w 22
SENSY™ | Limonium sinensis 29 S E N S Y™ WH I T E S E N S Y™ Y E L L OW SENSY™ P INACOLADA Less odo r B e s t S e l l e r S E N S Y™ P I N K B E AU T Y N e w 21 Brand N e w 22
• Stems are lighter in comparison to other statice varieties, thus shipping cost is more efficient • Stem weight 35-65 grams • Wings are delicate in appearance giving the stem an elegant look • Wide selection of colors S I NU E T ™ HON E Y A P R I C OT S I NU E T ™ B L U E I M P U L S E SINUET™ | Limonium sinuatum SINUET™ S I NU E T ™ E T E R N A L P I N K S I NUET™ MAX YELLOW
S I NU E T ™ U P P I N K S I NU E T ™ S E Y C H E L L P I N K O R I Z ON™ V I O L E T O R I Z ON™ P I N K N e w 21 N e w 21 N e w 21 31
Limonium sinuatum • The assortment includes: • 10 varieties suitable for warm areas • 6 varieties suitable for cold areas • Varieties are highly resistant to botrytis • Strong and stable colors • High volume inflorescences Danziger is proud to represent Limonium varieties of “Kaneko seeds“ to its cut-flower assortment. G R A C E ™ L AV E N D E R CRONE™ VIOLET ANTARES™ MAGNUM™ BLUE GRAVURE PINK Brand N e w 22
P R E M I O™ P I N K RE I NE™ LAVENDER WH I TE DE L I GHTTM SPACE™ LAVENDER * For additional varieties check page 137 NOIR TL™ Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 33
Lep i d i um
GREEN DRAGON® • A delicate unique green touch that blends harmoniously in any arrangement or bouquet and adds some green energy • Color that match each season or trend • Long vase life - at least 10 days after shipment • Good resistance to shipping & handling • Good volume per every cent • No lighting requirements • 8-12 weeks from planting to flowering • Available all year round B e s t S e l l e r 35 SAF Outstanding Varieties for 2021 The Blue Ribbon Award 1ST PLACE WINNER Best Foliage 1ST PLACE WINNER Best Filler
Sol idago
So l i dago • A touch of yellow to any arrangement or bouquet • Unprecedented extra volume and extra value within every stem 37
GLORY® | Sol idago B e s t S e l l e r • The king of yellow fillers • Large-sized flowers • Heavy stems • High longevity of the flower • Energy saver: minimal artificial light requirement • High volume inflorescence G O L D E N G L O RYTM MONTE DE OROTM Brand N e w 22 • High quality of stems • Large spike size • Very suitable for use as a filler in a bouquet • Short cultivation cycle
39 S UNN Y G L O RYTM R OMA N T I C G L O RYTM • Cream colored flowers • Extra large flowers • Long stems • High volume inflorescence • Minimal light requirements • Bright yellow flowers • Very productive • Minimal light requirements • Suitable for bouquets and medium size arrangements • Extra large flower - 7-9 mm • Very unique “anemone-like” shaped flowers • Conical shape inflorescence • Rich in flowers and voluminous stems • High quality, sturdy stems S O L A R G L O RYTM • Light cream colored flowers • Absorbs color efficiently • High volume inflorescence • Heavy stems MOON L I G H T G L O RYTM
| CutFlowers™ Kalanchoe
41 Queen® CutFlowers™ Kalanchoe • Wide range of colors • Minimum 3 weeks vase life • Antiseptic flowers – clear water throughout vase life
GLOSS™ | Dianthus
GLOSS™ VIOLET PINK GLOSS™ PINK CRUSH GLOSS™ HOT PINK GLOSS™ • Bright colors assortment • Very high resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp., Race 2 • Long vase life (16-18 days) as tested in tap water with no additives • Sterile flower – no pollen shed • Improved tolerance to high temperatures in comparison to Dianthus caryophyllus • More foliage appeal • Rare combination of : good ratio of the volume /weight of the stems, long vase life, and fragrance N e w 21 N e w 21 N e w 21 B e s t S e l l e r 45
• A fascinating filler that adds a touch of nature to the arrangement. • An assortment of colors and berry sizes • BRISK™ series has little to no lighting demand, thus saving on energy costs. Hypericum 47 BRISK™ | Hypericum BR I SK™ CH I L I PEPPER BR I SK™ GRE EN L I ME BR I SK™ WH I TE COCONUT N e w 21 N e w 21 N e w 21
• A new series by Danziger of big berries type varieties • Can be used as disbud and spray Hypericum product • Requires low light treatment • Highly tolerant to rust and nematodes GLOBO™ GLOBO™ APPL EGRE EN GLOBO™ BURGUNDY Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 GLOBO™ | Hypericum GLOBO™ CHAMPAGNE GLOBO™ CORAL
49 GLOBO™ PUNCH GLOBO™ RASPBERRY GLOBO™ RUBY Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22
SHOW STOPPER FLOWERS The center of attraction in every bouquet that stand out in comparison to their smaller counterparts. The focal flower is usually identified as the largest flower in a bouquet – a single bloom per stem, that adds stability to a design and grabs the attention of the viewer. 51 Anemone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Carnation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-116 Chrysanthemum . . 62-91 Gerbera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-112 Roses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-60 Scabiosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-101 Sunflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
ROSES SENTI® Roses Danziger is proud to announce the launch of its new SENTI® roses assortment, an exciting step for us, and an opportunity to generate added value for growers around the globe, based on Danziger expertise, excellence & experience. 53
ROSES ROSES ECUADOR 3,000m above sea level • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • Long stems • High yield • Good tolerance to Downy Mildew • Synchronised and symmetrical flower opening • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • Petals damage resistant • Recommended Density : 8 PL/M2 • Thorns : Moderate to normal MAGGITM ALQUIMIATM Color Head Size Petals Vase Life Stem Length Cycle Productivity Type ALQUIMIATM Peach 6-6.5cm 32 12 Days 60-80cm 70-75 Days 1.26 s/p/m Classic MAGGITM Bicolor Pink Green 6.5-7cm 40 14 Days 60-90cm 85-90 Days 1.05 s/p/m Classic SAF Outstanding Varieties for 2021 The Red Ribbon Award
55 SENTI® NEW EMOTION Color Head Size Petals Vase Life Stem Length Cycle Productivity Type SENTI® GLAM Red orange 5-6cm* 56 14 Days 40-60cm 85 Days 1.22 s/p/mM2 Exot i c SENTI® NEW EMOTION Light Peach 6.5cm 34 14 Days 40-70cm 95 Days 0.80 s/p/m Classic • Synchronised and symmetrical flower opening • Long stem • Medium leaves • Elegant and romantic color • Few thorns • A variety with vigorous growth • Exotic rose type • Long vase life • Symmetrical and garden shape rose • Intense orange color • High production SENTI® GLAM *Flower Head Diameter
• Thornless pedicel - easy handling at pack house • High proportion of long & uniform stems • Strong stems SENTI® FRENCH KISS SENTI® | Roses ROSES KENYA 1850m above sea level Color Head Size Petals Vase Life Stem Length Cycle Productivity Type JIJOTM Pink 5.5cm 80 14 days 60-70 60 days 160 st/m2/yr Classic SENTI® FRENCH KISS Red 5.5cm 57 14 Days 60-80cm 50 Days 140 st/m2/yr Classic SENTI® JOYFUL Pink and White 4.8cm 34 16 Days 50-70cm 52 Days 200 st/m2/yr Classic • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • Synchronised and symmetrical flower opening • Good fragrance • Strong stems SENTI® JOYFUL JIJOTM • Long vase life • Synchronised and symmetrical flower opening • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • High yield • Shiny leaves
57 SENTI® YELLOW Color Head Size Petals Vase Life Stem Length Cycle Productivity Type SENTI® SWISS ORANGE Red Orange 5cm 38 18 Days 40-60cm 52 Days 180 st/m2/yr Classic SENTI® YELLOW Yellow 5cm 47 14 Days 40-60cm 56 Days 180 st/m2/yr Classic • Long vase life • Thornless pedicel - easy handling at pack house • Symmetrical flower opening • Long vase life • Thornless pedicel -easy handling at pack house • Strong pedicel and strong petals • Medium – Large leaves • Shiny leaves • Intense color, no blackening • Good tolerance to: Downy, Botrytis and Oidium SENTI® SWISS ORANGE
SENTI® | Roses • Synchronize and symmetric flower opening • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • Extra-large head size • Bright vivid color • A variety with vigorous growth • Synchronize and symmetrical flower opening • Long stems • Few thorns • Shiny leaves • Extra-large head size • Synchronize and symmetrical flower opening • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • Extra-large head size • Bright color • A variety with vigorous growth SENTI® AMBIVALENT LOVE SENTI® FRENCH KISS ALQUIMIATM ROSES COLOMBIA 2,650m above sea level Color Head Size Petals Vase Life Stem Length Cycle Productivity Type ALQUIMIATM Peach 6.5-7cm 45-50 12 Days 40-70cm 78 Days 1.35 s/p/m Classic SENTI® AMBIVALENT LOVE Dark Pink 6.5cm 49 15 Days 40-60cm 79 Days 1.13 s/p/m Classic SENTI® FRENCH KISS Dark Pink 6.5cm 45 15 Days 40-60cm 87 Days 0.84 s/p/m Classic
59 • Synchronize and symmetrical flower opening • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • Bright color • Shiny leaves • Synchronize and symmetrical flower opening • Few Thorns • Extra-large head size SENTI® NEW EMOTION SENTI® JOYFUL Color Head Size Petals Vase Life Stem Length Cycle Productivity Type SENTI® JOYFUL Red Pink 6cm 36 15 Days 40-60cm 78 Days 1.26 s/p/m Classic SENTI® NEW EMOTION Peach 7.2cm 37 14 Days 40-60cm 77 Days 0.57 s/p/m Classic
SENTI® SWISS ORANGE Color Head Size Petals Vase Life Stem Length Cycle Productivity Type SENTI® ROMANTIC TOUCH Light Pink 6.8cm 33 15 Days 50-70cm 86 Days 1.34 s/p/m Classic SENTI® SWISS ORANGE Orange 5.8cm 30 14 Days 40-60cm 77 Days 1.3 s/p/m Classic SENTI® | Roses • Synchronize and symmetrical flower opening • Thornless pedicel – easy handling at pack house • A variety with vigorous growth • Soft and romantic color • A variety with vigorous growth • Extra-large head size • Medium leaves SENTI® ROMANTIC TOUCH
Anemone 61 Anemone Danziger has added to its assortment of products, Yodfat ’s nursery’s Anemone series, which is offered under our representation in several regions around the globe. One can find a pallet of attractive colors in each of the six series: Galilee™, Jeruselem™, Carmel™, Meron™, Full Star™ and Rainbow™. The breeder’s have put a special emphasis on the length of the stems, long vase-life, tolerance to pests and diseases and high yield. CARMEL™ FULL STAR™ RAINBOW™ GALLILEE™ MERON™ JERUSELEM™
63 WE GROW EMOTIONS in any color & for any state of mind
Chrysanthemum As a part of the new portfolio strategy, we divided our MUMs assortment into 7 different collections, each one of them expressing some kind of emotion that will evoke in people when receiving or buying flowers: • AMOR™ - Daisy collection • PASIÓN™ - Cushion collection • EMPATÍA™ - Anemone collection • ESPERANZA™ - Daisy volume collection • FELICIDAD™ - Buttons collection • ENERGÍA™ - Santini collection • INSPIRACIÓN™ - Spider collection • Elite stock farm in Colombia and Israel – to ensure best quality from the very first stage • Continuous improvement of new and exciting varieties • Extensive list of best seller varieties • In the dynamic world of breeding, make sure you check our website frequently to get the latest varieties introduction ATLANTIS® | Chrysanthemum
65 ® |
ATLANTIS® | Chrysanthemum ATLANTIS® BRONZE AT L A N T I S® B e s t S e l l e r ATLANTIS® DARK PINK ATLANTIS® YELLOW B e s t S e l l e r ATLANTIS® PINK B e s t S e l l e r
AMOR™ | Chrysanthemum Daisy Collection AMOR™ | Daisy Collection Fall in love with her heart | DAISY The Daisy collection flower re sun-shaped with petals around a yellow or green center. This creates a bond between them as strong as love. ™
AMOR™ | Chrysanthemum Daisy Collection 69 FRESCOL I TA™ AMOR™ B I ANCO Brand N e w 22 AMOR™ PERLA Brand N e w 22 AMOR™ DOVE LOVE Brand N e w 22 AMOR™ MOONDANCE Brand N e w 22 F LOR I SS I MO™
AMOR™ | Chrysanthemum Daisy Collection CANDY P I NK™ CUT I E - P I E™ AMOR™ L I GHT M I NT N e w 21 AMOR™ CANDY N e w 21 AMOR™ J OVEN Brand N e w 22 1ST PLACE W I N N E R SAF OUTSTANDING VARIETIES FOR 2021
AMOR™ TANGER I NE Brand N e w 22 J U L I A N N E ™ C H E R RY P I E ™ AMOR™ CARMES Í N e w 21 CAN CAN™ AMOR™ B - M I NE Brand N e w 22 B e s t S e l l e r 71
AMOR™ PURPL E SPLASH Brand N e w 22 AMOR™ F LAME Brand N e w 22 MU LT I S O L ™ F L I C K E R S ™ AMOR™ AMAR I L LA N e w 21 AMOR™ | Chrysanthemum Daisy Collection B e s t S e l l e r B e s t S e l l e r AMOR™ CUP I D Brand N e w 22
73 PASIÓN™ | Cushion Collection Flowers The Cushion collection flowers are the largest chrysanthemums, with strong stems and many petals. They are outstanding in every way and that is why they are ideal for expressing intense emotions such as passion. ™ Petal by Petal | CUSHION
PASIÓN™ | Chrysanthemum Cushion Collection PAS I ÓN™ PURA PAS I ÓN™ PURA N e w 21 N e w 21 PAS I ÓN™ BL I Z ZARD Brand N e w 22 PAS I ÓN™ BL I Z ZARD Brand N e w 22 PAS I ÓN™ LUNA Brand N e w 22 NEW DAY™
PASIÓN™ | Chrysanthemum Cushion Collection R OMA N C E R O™ CUCH I ™ PEACH DE L I GHT™ SOUF F L É™ PAS I ÓN™ CHÉR I E Brand N e w 22 PAS I ONTM DE MANZANA N e w 21 B e s t S e l l e r
77 PAS I ÓN™ CORAL Brand N e w 22 SOUF F L E™ P I NK Brand N e w 22 PAUL I NA™ PAS I ÓN™ SUNSET N e w 21 STRAWBERRY F I Z™
PASIÓN™ | Chrysanthemum Cushion Collection PAS I ÓN™ DE ALMENDRA PAS I ÓN™ DE ALMENDRA PAS I ÓN™ALMENDRA SOLK I SS PAS I ÓN™ALMENDRA SOLK I SS Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 G E O R G I A™ G E O R G I A™ SAF Outstanding Varieties for 2021 The Red Ribbon Award
The Santini mums have a special appearance as a prototype of a miniature sun, that reflects in their round blooms, small stems and many flowers. Exactly like the sun, the ENERGÍA™ collection will be perfect for recharging energy anywhere. Feel the power of flowers | SANTINI ™ ENERGÍA™ | Santini Collection
ENERGÍA™ | Chrysanthemum Santini Collection ENERG Í A™ PAC Í F I CA ENERG Í A™ ROSÉ ENERG Í A™ CANDY ENERG Í A™ DULCE ENERG Í A™ F LAM I NGO ENERG Í A™ BLUSHED N e w 21 N e w 21 N e w 21 N e w 21 N e w 21 N e w 21
ENERG Í A™ BL I NG P I NK ( ENERG Í A™ P I NK ) N e w 21 ENERG Í A™ SUNSET N e w 21 ENERG Í A™AMAR I L LA N e w 21 ENERG Í A™ BL I NG L I GHT RED Brand N e w 22 ENERG Í A™ H I GHR I SE P I NK Brand N e w 22 Successfully trialed and tested in Holland Successfully trialed and tested in Holland 81
ESPERANZA™ | Chrysanthemum Daisy Volume Collection ™ Esperanza Give a flower, give hope | DAISY VOLUME ESPERANZA™ | Daisy Volume Collection The Esperanza™ collection introduces a new and innovative chrysanthemum to the market. With its multi-petals natural look we see it as a symbol for new creation and natural hope.
FELICIDAD™ | Chrysanthemum Buttons Collection Felicidad Happiness comes with flowers | BUTTONS FELICIDAD™ | Buttons Collection The Button type mums are small, beautiful flowers that evoke sweetness a d tenderness, exactly like those small delights that fill life with joy. ™
85 F E L I C I DAD™ H I PP I E SOL LAR I NA™ N e w 21 FELICIDAD™ BRONZE Brand N e w 22 FELICIDAD™ JADE Brand N e w 22 FELICIDAD™ PRAIRIE Brand N e w 22
Chrysanthemum EMPATÍA™ | Anemone Collection Empathy is all we need ANEMONE The Anemo e collection has beautiful flowers that actually combine a Daisy type with a Cushion type. The ability to combine them is a sign of natural empathy. ™
B e s t S e l l e r EMPAT Í A™ P I NK TOUCH Brand N e w 22 BABALU™ EMPAT Í A™ F EST I VA N e w 21 EMPAT Í A™ SUNSET N e w 21 EMPAT Í A™ PURA N e w 21 EMPATÍA™ | Chrysanthemum Anemone Collection EMPAT Í A™ MEADOW Brand N e w 22 87
ÉCLA I R™ EMPATÍA™ | Chrysanthemum Anemone Collection ÉCLA I R™
89 INSPIRACION™ | Chrysanthemum Spider Collection The spider mums collection, have thin and elongated petals that make this chrysanthemum so attractive and original. That unique appearance is what diff rentiates them from all other flowers and make them a source of inspiration. INSPIRACIÓN™ | Spider Collection Inspiration to bloom | SPIDER ™ '
INSPIRACIÓN™ VIVIFY INSPIRACIÓN™ VIVIFY Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 INSPIRACIÓN™ | Chrysanthemum Spider Collection INSPIRACIÓN™ CORALY INSPIRACIÓN™ CORALY Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22
SCOOP® | Scabiosa
93 SCOOP® Scabiosa • SCOOP® is the hot trend trend in the cut-flowers industry • A unique different appearance, perfect for all forms of uses • A wide color range of bi-color varieties, amazing big flowers with the Focal Scoop™ and full ball shaped flowers with Bon Bon Scoop™ • Excellent vase life as flowers open gradually to their full size
SCOOP® | Scabiosa BLACKBERRY SCOOP™ LAVENDER SCOOP™ B e s t S e l l e r CANDY SCOOP™ B e s t S e l l e r B e s t S e l l e r SAF Outstanding Varieties for 2019 The Red Ribbon Award COTTON CANDY SCOOP™ N e w 21 DARK CHERRY SCOOP™ N e w 21 M I LKY SCOOP™
SCOOP™ | Scabiosa RASPBERRY SCOOP™ LOLLIPOP SCOOP™ MARSHMALLOW SCOOP™ IMPROVED RASBERRY RIPPLE SCOOP™ N e w 21 N e w 21 RED VELVET SCOOP™ SAF Outstanding Varieties for 2019 The Red Ribbon Award RED APPLE SCOOP™ Brand N e w 22 B e s t S e l l e r 95
BON BON SCOOP™ | Scabiosa BON BON SCOOP™ BON BON SCOOP™ FRENCH VANILLA BON BON SCOOP™ DARK LAVENDER • Very attractive full and ball shaped flowers • Long, thick, strong pedicels • Long vase life (3 to 4 days more than other Scabiosa varieties) • No pollen shed N e w 21 N e w 21 BON BON SCOOP™ MERLOT N e w 21 BON BON SCOOP™ MARASCHINO CHERRY Brand N e w 22 97
4 - 6cm 8 - 10cm FOCAL SCOOP™ | Scabiosa FOCAL SCOOP™ • A trendy chic focal flower • Flowers size 8-10 cm • Long & strong pedicel • Strong flower neck • Wide range of colors • Long vase life of over 12 days 99
FOCAL SCOOP™ | Scabiosa FOCAL SCOOP™ LAVENDER FOCAL SCOOP™ LILAC FOCAL SCOOP™ BICOLOR PINK FOCAL SCOOP™ DARK PURPLE FOCAL SCOOP™ HOT PINK FOCAL SCOOP™ BLACKBERRY B e s t S e l l e r B e s t S e l l e r B e s t S e l l e r SAF Outstanding Varieties for 2019 The Red Ribbon Award
• Natural conditions • High light radiation and temperature • No need for climate control greenhouse Danziger is proud to be the representative of Montiplanta, a leading breeder of Gerbera for the past 29 years All Gerbera varieties presented in this catalog were bred for: BRAKEDANCETM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 280 16 70 12 PEROLATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 16 65 12 B e s t S e l l e r 103
Gerbera YELLOW BARBARATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 16 70 13 SITATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 280 15 60 11 ISABEL™ Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 16 60 12 YASHITM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 280 16 60 12 MAUCATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 300 15 65 13 RUTETM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 16 60 12
UPALATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 230 16 60 12 ALICIA YELLOWTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 16 60 12 ALICIATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 16 70 12 KALYATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 260 16 70 11 LIVIATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 280 14 60 12 B e s t S e l l e r HAIMITM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 250 16 65 13 N e w 21 B e s t S e l l e r B e s t S e l l e r 105
Gerbera DARK MARA™ Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 16 65 12 MATEOS™ Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 12 60 11 PETALITM PESSEGOTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 16 65 12 Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 16 65 12 MARATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 16 65 12 N e w 21 B e s t S e l l e r FLOELLATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 260 15 60 12 B e s t S e l l e r
TAIKOTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 16 65 11 PATTYTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 14 60 13 CORONATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 16 60 12 PINK EYECATCHERTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 12 60 12 LIHITM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 260 16 60 12 POSYTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 270 16 60 11 N e w 21 107
TIMIRATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 260 16 65 12 ADITM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 14 60 11 FREDITM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 14 65 11 VIVIANTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 16 65 12 VERATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 250 15 65 12 SHANITM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 310 18 60 11 B e s t S e l l e r N e w 21 Gerbera
NILATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 280 14 60 12 RAMITATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 200 18 65 11 MADELINETM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 280 14 65 12 ALCOCHETETM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 220 16 60 12 SPECIAL REDTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 300 16 65 13 JACKIE™ Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 190 16 60 13 109
KINGSTONTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 240 18 60 13 TOSCANATM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 230 16 60 12 PADOLITM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 230 16 60 13 DEEP REDTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 350 16 60 11 Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 11-12 60-70 11-12 Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 10-11 54-55 10.5-11 ROSA NOVA 17010 Brand N e w 22 Gerbera B e s t S e l l e r CATHIA™ Brand N e w 22
PETIT PLAINTM PETILARKTM Production (flower\year\m2) Vase Life (days) Stem Length (cm) Diameter (cm) 700-1000 12-14 40 7-9 PETIT DAMKATM PETIT BLANCTM PETIT EDNATM MINI PINKTM 71514 MICROWHITETM 71524 PETIPATM 71522 PETIWANDATM 71517 Mini Gerbera Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 111
PIÑATA™ | Carnation 113
PIÑATA™ | Carnation Carnation • PIÑATA™ series has extraordinary quality, with high yield and robust resistance to fusarium • A colorful collection that is an essential component in one’s flowers assortment • A new series of standard varieties – TESORO™ PIÑATA™ BICOLOR CERISE PIÑATA™ GOLD Brand N e w 22 PIÑATA™ BI COLOR RED PIÑATA™ DUNE
117 RONI™ Sunflower TAVOR™ DOUBLE MAYA GOLD SUPREME™ TAVOR™ LEMON TAVOR™ ORANGE FLAME™ * For additional varieties check page 145 OMRI SUPREME™ GALIL™ B e s t S e l l e r
119 SPOTLIGHT FLOWERS Add the dynamic in floral arrangements. They define the shape and add different heights to the arrangement. Perfect for that outstanding, imposing floral arrangement to WOW every guest. Caryopteris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 Craspedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-126 Liatris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Ornithogalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-129 Veronica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-123
• Exceptionally tall spikes in three different colors: white, pink and blue • Well synchronized flowering time with no vernalization (cold treatment requirement) prior to flowering • Long spikes of 12-18 cm, depending on the growing area 121
SKYLER™ | Veronica S K Y L E R™ P I N K S K Y L E R™ WH I T E I M P R O V E D S K Y L E R™ WH I T E S K Y L E R™ B L U E N e w 21
• More than 4 spikes flower per stem • Deep colors • Flower opening is very synced • Vase life - more than 14 days We are delighted to introduce a new series of SKYLER™ - the SKYLER™ SPLASH. A spray series with the popular colors of the SKYLER™: Pink, Blue and White. 123 SKYL ER™ SPLASH BLUE SKYL ER™ SPLASH WH I TE SKYL ER™ SPLASH P I NK Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22 Brand N e w 22
PAINTBALL™ | Craspedia
Craspedia • PAINTBALL™ upgrades any bouquet • Extraordinary large - yellow heads • High consistency of shape and size • Can be tinted to allow endless possibilities PAINTBALL™ | Craspedia 125
PAINTBALL™ | Craspedia PA I NTBALL™ GLOBE PA I NTBALL™ POP 3 - 3 . 5 cm PA I NTBALL™ POPPY PA I NTBALL™JUMBO 4 cm 2 - 2 . 5 cm 2 . 5 - 3cm B e s t S e l l e r SAF Outstanding Varieties for 2019 The Red Ribbon Award N e w 21
Liatris Liatris is a special focal flower with a unique presence. Characterized by vivid violet flowers and excellent vase life of 14 days Liatris is just the flower to add a special touch to any arrangement. 127
STAR™ | Ornithogalum
129 B e s t S e l l e r ORCHID STAR™ N e w 21 Ornithogalum • STAR™ series has long inflorescences and come in 3 beautiful colors: orange, white and yellow • Extraordinary vase life of 3 weeks • No water requirement in the vase at all YELLOW STAR™ PRINCE STAR™ WHITE STAR™ MAGIC STAR™ N e w 21
PAGODA™ | Caryopteris
131 Caryopteris • Pagoda shaped flowers, in shades of blue and pink • Impressive resistance to high temperatures • Originally a perennial plant that was developed by Danziger to a unique cut flower PA G O D A™ O C E A N PA G O D A™ L A G OON PAGODA™ DARK P I NK Brand N e w 22
133 Chrysanthemum English Flower Color Flower Size Spray/Standard (Diameter in cm.) Flower Type Reaction Time (week) Use Cold Tolerance Heat Tolerance Margarita Semi Double Decorative Anemone Spider Standard Spray Santini Español Color de la Flor Tamañode Flor (Diametro en cm.) Tipo de Flor Tiempo de Reaccion (Semanas) Uso Tolerancia al Frio Tolerancia al Calor Daisy Semi Double Cushion Novedad Spider Standart Spray Santini עברית צבע הפרח גודל הפרח (קוטר בס”מ) סוג הפרח זמן תגובה (שבועות) סוג עמידות לקור עמידות לחום ספיידר אנימון מלא חצי מלא מרגריטה סנטיני ספריי ראש ATLANTIS® Atlantis® White 9 V 7 V V V Atlantis® Bronze Bronze 9 V 7.5 V V V Atlantis® Dark Pink Dark Pink 9 V 7 V V V Atlantis® Orange Orange 9.5 V 7 V V V Atlantis® Pink Pink 9 V 7 V V V Atlantis® Red Red 9.5 V 7.5 V V V Atlantis® Yellow Yellow 9 V 7 V V V AMORTM | DAISY COLLECTION Amor ™ Amarilla GoldYellow 8.5 V 7.5 V V V Amor™ B-Mine Light Pink 8 V 7.5 V V V Amor™ Bianco White 8 V 7.5 V V Amor™ Candy Dark Pink 8 V 7-7.5 V V Amor™ Carmesí Red 8 V 7.5-8 V V V Amor™ Cupid Burgundy+White 7 V 7.5-8 V V Amor™ Dove Love White 9 V 7-7.5 V V V Amor™ Flame Orange+Yellow 8 V 7.5 V V V Amor™ Joven Light Green 9 V 7.5 V V Amor™ Light Mint White+Green 8 V 7-7.5 V V V Amor™ Moondance White 8 V 7.5 V V V Amor™ Perla White 9 V 7.5 V V V Amor™ Purple Splash Purple +White 7 V 7 V V Amor™ Tangerine Orange 6 V 7.5-8 V V V Can Can™ Dark Pink 9 V 7.5 V V Candy Pink™ Pink 8 V 7.5-8 V V Cherry Pie Burgundy+White 7.5 V 8 V V Cutie-Pie™ Light Pink 7 V 7 V V V Flickers™ Red +Yellow 6.5 V 7.5 V V Florissimo™ White 8 V 7 V V V Frescolita™ White 8 V 6.5-7 V V V Julianne™ Orange 6.5 V 7 V V V Multisol™ Yellow 7 . 5 V 7.5 V V V
134 Chrysanthemum English Flower Color Flower Size Spray/Standard (Diameter in cm.) Flower Type Reaction Time (week) Use Cold Tolerance Heat Tolerance Margarita Semi Double Decorative Anemone Spider Standard Spray Santini Español Color de la Flor Tamañode Flor (Diametro en cm.) Tipo de Flor Tiempo de Reaccion (Semanas) Uso Tolerancia al Frio Tolerancia al Calor Daisy Semi Double Cushion Novedad Spider Standart Spray Santini עברית צבע הפרח גודל הפרח (קוטר בס”מ) סוג הפרח זמן תגובה (שבועות) סוג עמידות לקור עמידות לחום ספיידר אנימון מלא חצי מלא מרגריטה סנטיני ספריי ראש PASIÓN™ | CUSHION COLLECTION Crazy Ladies™ White+Cream 8-11 V 7 V V V V Cheesecake™ Cream 9-11 V 7-7.5 V V V V Cuchi™ Light Pink+Dark Pink 7.5 V 7.5-8 V V Georgia™ Yellow 9-11 V 7.5 V V V NewDay™ White 7.5 V 6.5-7 V V V Paulina™ Burgundy 8.5 V 7.5-8 V V Pasión™Almendra Solkiss GoldYellow+Orange 8.5-11 V 8 V V V V Pasión™ Blizzard White 10-12.5 V 7.5-8 V V V V Pasión™ Cherie Peach 8 V 8 V V V Pasión™ Coral Dark Peach 6 V 7.5-8 V V V Pasión™ De Almendra Light Yellow+Orange 8.5-11 V 8 V V V V Pasion™ De Manzana Cream+Pink+ Green 5.5 V 7-7.5 V V Pasión™ De Vainilla Cream 8 V 7.5 V V Pasión™ Luna White 9 V 7.5 V V V Pasión™ Pura White 10-13 V 7-7.5 V V V V Pasión™ Sunset Orange 6 V 8-8.5 V V Peach Delight™ Light Pink+Purple 6.5 V 7 V V V Romancero™ Peach 9-11.5 V 7.5 V V V V Soufflé™ Light Pink+Purple 6.5 V 7.5 V V V Soufflé™ Pink Pink 7 V 7.5 V V V Strawberry Fiz™ Light Pink+Dark Pink 6.5 V 7.5-8 V V V EMPATÍA™ | ANEMONE COLLECTION Babalu™ Yellow 6.5 V 6.5-7 V V V Éclair™ Dark Pink 10-12 V 7 V V V V Empatía™ Festiva Purple 6 . 5 V 7 V V V Empatía™ Pura White 8 V 7.5 V V Empatía™ Pink Touch Light Pink 7.5 V 7.5-8 V V V Empatía™Meadow Light Green 6 V 7-7.5 V V V Empatía™ Sunset Dark Bronze 6 . 5 V 7 V V V
135 English Flower Color Flower Size Spray/Standard (Diameter in cm.) Flower Type Reaction Time (week) Use Cold Tolerance Heat Tolerance Margarita Semi Double Decorative Anemone Spider Standard Spray Santini Español Color de la Flor Tamañode Flor (Diametro en cm.) Tipo de Flor Tiempo de Reaccion (Semanas) Uso Tolerancia al Frio Tolerancia al Calor Daisy Semi Double Cushion Novedad Spider Standart Spray Santini עברית צבע הפרח גודל הפרח (קוטר בס”מ) סוג הפרח זמן תגובה (שבועות) סוג עמידות לקור עמידות לחום ספיידר אנימון מלא חצי מלא מרגריטה סנטיני ספריי ראש ENERGÍA™ | SANTINI COLLECTION Energía™ Amarilla Yellow 2.5 V 6.5-7 V V V Energía™ Bling Light Red Light Red 2.5 V 6.5 V V V Energía™ Bling Pink Pink 2.5 V 6.5 V V V Energía™ Blushed Light Pink 2.5 V 7 V V V Energía™ Candy Light Pink+Dark Pink 2.5 V 7 V V Energía™ Dulce Purple 3 V 6-7 V V V Energía™ Flamingo Light Pink+Purple 3 V 6-7 V V V Energía™ Highrise Pink Light Pink+Purple 3 V 7 V V V Energía™ Pacífica White 2.5 V 6.5-7 V V V Energía™ Rosé Lihgt Pink +Bordeaux 3 V 6.5-7 V V V Energía™ Sunset Light Orange 2.5 V 6--7 V V V ESPERANZA™ | DAISY VOLUME COLLECTION Dolcessa™ Purple 6 V 7 V V V Esperanza™ Dulce Pink 5 V 7-7.5 V V V Esperanza™ Escarlata Red 5 V 7.5 V V Esperanza™ Oro Yellow 6 V 7-7.5 V V V Esperanza™ Pura White 4 V 6-6.5 V V V Esperanza™ Solar GoldYellow 5.5 V 7.5 V V V FELICIDAD™ | BUTTONS COLLECTION Felicidad™ Bronze Dark Orange 4 V 7 V V V Felicidad™ Hippie Light Pink 3.5 V 7.5-8 V V Felicidad™ Jade Green 3.5 V 7.5-8 V V V Felicidad™ Prairie White Blush 3.5 V 7-7.5 V V V Sollerina™ Yellow+Red 3.5 V 7.5-8 V V INSPIRACIÓN™ | SPIDER COLLECTION Inspiracion™ Coraly Pink+Cream 11.5-14 V 7.5-8 V V V V Inspiracion™Vivify Light Pink 12-14 V 8-8.5 V V V Troll™ Bronze Bronze 9-18 V 8-8.5 V V V Troll™ Cream Cream 15-26 V 8-8.5 V V V Troll™ Pink Pink 15-24 V 8-8.5 V V V
136 MILLION COLLECTION™ Million Clouds™ V 7-8 V V V V Million Daisy™ (ex Ophelia) V 5-6 V V V V Million Stars® V 5 V V V V Million Stars® II V 6-7 V V V V Vivo™ V 6-7 V V V V XLENCE COLLECTION™ MyWhite Cosmic™ V 8-10 V V V V Xcite™ V 11-14 V V V V Xlence® V 10-12 V V V V Xlence® Endure V 10-12 V V V V Xtremy™ V 10-13 V V V V MY COLOR COLLECTION™ My Pink® V 8-10 V V V V MyWhiteCosmic™ V 8-11 V V V V MORE OPTIONS Andromeda™ V 9-11 V V V V Beauty Bride™ V 7-8 V V V V Cassiopeia™ V 8-12 V V V V Dynamic Love™ V 8-10 V V V V Dynamic Love™ Improved V 9-11 V V V V White Victoria™ 8-10 V V V V Gypsophila English Flower Size Flower Size (Diameter inmm.) Day-Length Sensitivity Yield Handling Flush Duration (fromplanting/ cutback to cutback) Small Medium Big High Medium Low Medium High Very High Easy Difficult Short Medium Prolonged Español Tamaño de Flor Diametro de la Flor (Diametro enmm.) Sensibilidad a la Longitud del Dia Productividad Manejo Duration de la Floracion Pequena Mediana Grande Alta Media Baja Media Alta Muy Alta Facil Dificil Corta Mediana Prolongada עברית גודל הפרח גודל הפרח (מ”מ) רגישות לאורך יום יבול משך גל פריחה (משתילה/גיזום לגיזום) טיפול בינוני קטן גדול נמוכה בינונית גבוהה בינוני גבוה גבוה מאד בינוני קצר קשה קל ארוך
137 English Flower Color Height (cm.) Growth Intensity Yield Medium High Very High 1 - Very Low / 5 - Very High Español Color de la Flor Altura (cm.) Intensidad de Crecimiento Productividad Medio Alta Muy Alta 1 - Muy Baja / 5 - Muy Alta עברית צבע הפרח גובה (ס”מ) עוצמת צימוח יבול בינונית גבוהה גבוהה מאד 5 - / גבוה מאד 1 - נמוך מאד Safora™ Blue-Tiful Blue 70-80 V 4 Safora™ Dark Blue Dark Blue 70-80 V 4 Safora™ Light Blue Light Blue 70-80 V 3 Safora™ Lilac Lilac 70-80 V 4 Safora™ Oshi Pink Pink 70-80 V 4 Safora™ Pink Sky Blue with Red Buds 70-80 V 5 Piuma™ Pink Touch Pink 70-80 V 4 Piuma™ Dark Blue Dark Blue 70-80 V 4 Piuma™ Indigo Purple 70-100 V 4 Supreme™ Bluenight Light Blue 90-100 V 4 Supreme™Whitlight VelvetyWhite 90-100 V 4 Splendid™ Blue Lavender 80-100 V 5 Sensy™Yellow Yellow 80-100 V 5 Sensy™ Pinacolada White 90-100 V 5 Sensy™ Pink Beuty Pink 70-90 V 5 Sensy™White White 90-110 V 5 Sinuet™ Blue Impulse Blue 70-90 V 5 Sinuet™ Eternal Pink Dark Pink 70-90 V 5 Sinuet™ Honey Apricot Light Orange 70-90 V 5 Sinuet™Max Yellow Bright Yellow 70-90 V 5 Sinuet™ Seychell Pink Pink 110-120 V 5 Orizon™ Pink Pink 80-100 V 5 Orizon™Violet Reddish Purple 80-100 V 4 Antares™ Red 80-110 V 3 Crone™Violet Violet 80-110 V 4 Gravure™ Pink Pink 85-100 V 4 Grace™ Lavender Bluish Lavender 100-80 V 4 Magnum™ Blue Deep Bluish Purple 110-90 V 3 Premio™ Pink Light pink 90-105 V 4 Reine™ Lavender Reddish Lavender 80-100 V 5 Space™ Lavender Reddish Lavender 80-100 V 4 White Delight™ White 80-110 V 4 Airen™ Pink Deep Pink 80-110 V 3 Up™ Pink Pink 80-110 V 3 Noir TL™ Deep Bluish Purple 85-110 V 4 Limonium
138 Craspedia English Flower Color Height (cm.) Growth Intensity Yield Flower Size Stem Thickness Disease Tolerance Medium High Very High 1- Very Low 5 - Very High 1- Small 5 - Large 1 - Thin 5 - Thick 1- Sensitive 5 - Tolerant Español Color de la Flor Altura (cm.) Intensidad de Crecimiento Productividad Tamano de Flor Espesor de Tallo Tolerancia a Plagas Medio Alta Muy Alta 1- Muy Baja 5 - Muy Alta 1- Pequeno 5 - Grande 1- Delgado 5 - Grueso 1 - Sensible 5 - Resistente עברית גובה (ס”מ) צבע הפרח עוצמת צימוח יבול גודל פרח עובי גבעול עמידות למחלות בינונית גבוהה גבוהה מאד 1 - נמוך מאד 5 - גבוה מאד 1 - קטן 5 - גדול 1 - דק 5 - עבה 1 - רגיש 5 - עמיד Paintball™ Globe Yellow 80 V 5 3 3 3 Paintball™ Pop Yellow 100 V 4 5 4 3 Paintball™ Poppy Yellow 100 V 5 4 5 3 Paintball™ Jumbo Yellow 100 V 3 5 5 3 ~ English Flower Color Flower Size (Diameter in cm.) Growth Intensity Flowering Stem Structure Yield LongDay/Short Day Sensitivity to Low Light Intensity Conical Wide Conical Wide Spike 1- very low 5 - very high LD (weeks) SD (weeks) Low Medium High Español Color de la Flor Tamaño deFlor (Diametro encm.) Intensidad de Crecimiento Estructura Del Tallo Floral Productividad Dia Largo/Dia Corto Sensibilidad a Baja Intensidad Luminica Conico Anco Conico Ancho Estaca 1 - Muy Baja 5 - Muy Alta Semanas Semanas Baja Mediana Alta עברית עוצמת צימוח גודל הפרח (ס”מ) צבע הפרח תפרחת יבול יום קצר / יום ארוך רגישות לעוצמות אור נמוכות חרוטי חרוטי רוחבי רחב יתדי 1 - נמוך מאד 5 - גבוה מאד נמוכה שבועות שבועות גבוהה בינונית Golden Glory™ Yellow 0.5 High V 5 6 5 V Moonlight Glory™ Cream 0.3 High V 4 6 5 V Monte De Oro™ Yellow 0.4 High V 5 4 8 V Romantic Glory™ Cream 0.8 High V 5 5 5 V Solar Glory™ Yellow 0.8 Medium V 4 8 5 V Sunny Glory™ Yellow 0.4 High V 5 6 5 V Solidago
139 Scabiosa English Flower Color Pedicel Length (cm.) Growth Intensity Yield Medium High Very High 1 - Very low 5 - Very High Español Color de la Flor Largo de pedicelo (cm.) Intensidad de Crecimiento Productividad Medio Alta Muy Alta 1 - Muy Baja 5 - Muy Alta עברית צבע הפרח גובה עוקצים (ס”מ) עוצמת צימוח יבול בינונית גבוהה גבוהה מאד 1 - נמוך מאד 5 - גבוה מאד Bon Bon Scoop™ Dark Lavender Dark Lavender/Blue 45-60 V 4 Bon Bon Scoop™ FrenchVanilla Blush/Coral 45-60 V 4 Bon Bon Scoop™Merlot Dark Purple 50-70 V 5 Bon Bon Scoop™ Pink Perppermint Lilac 60-80 V 4 Bon Bon Scoop™ Maraschino Cherry Black 40-60 V 4 Focal Scoop™ Bicolor Pink Dark Pink, White Rims 70-90 V 4 Focal Scoop™ Blackberry Dark Red 50-70 V 4 Focal Scoop™ Dark Purple Magenta 60-80 V 4 Focal Scoop™ Hot Pink Pink 60-80 V 4 Focal Scoop™ Lavender Lavender, Light Blue 60-80 V 4 Focal Scoop™ Lilac Lilac 70-80 V 4 Focal Scoop™ Purple Lace PurpleWhite 50-70 V 5 Focal Scoop™White White 70-90 V 4 Focal Scoop™White Improved White 50-70 V 4 Hoop Scoop™ Lavender Bicolor- Lavender-White Eye 50-70 V 4 Hoop Scoop™ Strawberry Bicolor- Pink-White Eye 40-50 V 4 Blackberry Scoop™ Dark Purple 50-60 V 5 Candy Scoop™ Pink 50-60 V 5 Dark Cherry Scoop™ Scarlet 45-60 V 5 Lavender Scoop™ Lavender 50-60 V 5 Lollipop Scoop™ Dark Pink-Fuchsia 40-50 V 4 Marshmallow Scoop™ Improved Bicolor Dark Pink-White 45-60 V 5 Milky Scoop™ White 50-70 V 5 Pop Candy Scoop™ Bordeaux 50-70 V 4 Raspberry Scoop™ Red- Magenta 40-50 V 4 Red Apple Scoop™ Red 40-60 V 4 RedVelvet Scoop™ Blueberry-Dark Purple-Red 50-60 V 5 Soft Scoop™ Lavender 50-80 V 5 Sweet Cherry Scoop™ Bicolor Purple-White 50-70 V 4 Sweet Scoop™ Bicolor Dark Pink-White 50-70 V 4 Tutti Frutti Scoop™ Red 50-60 V 5